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Russian blonde Lucy Heart and her Romanian friend Aida Sweet relax on their veranda while gardener Choky Ice goes about his duties. But these wise women realize that men have other uses other than doing chores, so they quickly get him over onto the couch to pleasure their pies.<br>Aida gets him nuzzling on her nips and Lucy kisses his mouth while they take out his stalk for slurping. As these wild girls really heat up for the threesome, Choky laps at their snatches but then he gets into fucking Aida doggie style while Lucy sucks his nuts. <br>While Lucy rides Chokys dick cowgirl style, the gals take time out to share a cigarette, even exchanging smoke just like other pornstars swap cum. Aida gets boffed by Choky, then Lucy licks her pussy, and then its anal porn time for Lucy as she gets banged in the butt while Aida occasionally takes the Icicle out of Miss Hearts heinie to give it a lick. Then finally Choky spurts all over Lucys rosebud while Aida looks up happily from her perch dire
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