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On a sunny rooftop, Bettina DiCapri lays in her bikini on a beach chair, getting some rays on her fine Hungarian form, when Sabby shows up to put some oil on her back. To repay his kindness, she takes his already hardening meat out of his cargo shorts and begins the cock sucking even while still wearing her designer shades. Baring her delectable 34B titties for our delight, she kneels before Sabby and even treats him to some impressively deep throat. He licks her pussy in sixty-nine and she gives him some hot balls licking and even tugs on his sac with the vacuum power of her lips. Taking off her bikini bottom and spreading her thighs wide, she gives us a glimpse of her hairy pussy too, in case we want to imagine eating her as she finishing blowing Sabby to a facial cumshot that leaves a gooey and very photogenic mess all over her pretty face, and even on her sunglasses.
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