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When Niki Nute meets our Fucking Machine , their chemistry is thick and horny! Sometimes a girl needs a break from human dicks which, similar to human pussies, can come along with lots of baggage. Thus, like many another lucky lady whos become a participant in our informal DDF Love Laboratory, Niki finds that the mechanical Fucking Machine superbly meats her needs once she pulls aside her teeny powder-blue panties and lets the motor-powered orange-colored lust knob slide its way into her eager shaven slit.Niki doesnt even stop to take off her adorable little socks, so excited is she to be filled and satisfied by the robot rod! Niki modulates the speed of the machine with the handy controls, and judging by her contented smile at the end, shes a happy camper once the Machine has done its duty! You will be, too.
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