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This blue-eyed Czech newcomer looks sexy indeed in her little black dress, but youll be eager to see her lift up the frock to reveal her sweet body in her turquoise lace bra and panties in her Full HD erotic video and nude pics!<br>Tery poses like a pinup for us, displaying the flowing curves of her hips and long legs, then she strips piece by piece, unveiling her 30A-24-36 nudity gradually, but still keeping on her size 5 pumps...<br>Peeling down her panties, she uncovers a smooth shaved pussy which she caresses with her gracefully slender hand, then parts her thighs and lifts up her crotch as if to take in the length of a hard mans meat...<br>Finally turning over on her tummy, looking even more tasty, Tery spotlights her fine fanny for us, two lush moons that look so squeezable and spankable too...and captured so beautifully by our DDF cameras in this hot babes glamour porn portfolio!
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