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Hi, I'm Cindy Dollar a horny teen, I usually go to my girlfriend's house after school for some sex but today I rushed home to play myself! I went straight to my room took off my school clothes and slipped into my matching flowered top and panty set, they're nice and thin so you can see my privates and they feel so good against my naked body. I sat on my sofa and started playing around touching and caressing my body all over, I pulled down my top and teased my nipples, rubbing them with my wet finger. I pulled my panties to the side and began rubbing my pussy and fingering my horny clit, I started getting excited really fast and I needed to feel something inside me. I broke out my new toy that I've been waiting for just to right moment to try, when I first saw it at the sex shop I just had to bring it home. If I didn't know better I'd say that they made it just for me, it looks just like a Popsicle and it's shaped like a cock, my two most favorite things to suck. I gave my new toy a ni
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