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Relax with Gia, who tantalizes us with her sultry eyes and slender and juicy 34A-24-34 body. Posing in a lacy beige wrap that barely covers her assets, she tosses around her long honey-colored tresses and reveals her smooth pussy with its slender landing strip of pubic hair. When she turns around, we see that shes got a curvy and oh-so-spankable tush. Getting on the floor, she parts her cunny lips and we see the rich pink inside, ready for fingering and fucking and licking. Gia gets on the couch and plays with herself, her eyes closed as she concentrates on all her other senses of touch, smell, taste, and hearing. She gets excited by the sound of her own body moving and writhing on the cushions! Then she stretches out, looking like a nimble creature just aching to be scooped up by the right man and roundly fucked until she falls into a deep and grateful sleep!
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