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The new week jumps into high gear with newcomer Abby gracing our site with her slender, girlish charm. Posing in a classic ensemble of matching black bra, panties, garter belt, and sheer black stockings, she looks alluring as her high heeled sandals pump up her cute round butt as she turns this way and that for us. Abbys got long blonde hair and bright eyes, and she tantalizes us just by letting her locks flow down her shoulders and arms. But Abby has a lot more to share, posing her shapely stems up in the air, and then taking off her bra and tempting us with her titties. Pulling aside her thong, she shows us a big pink slot, parting it with her nicely manicured fingers. Then, once primed for further fun, she takes out a petite black plastic vibrator and rubs it along her clit and lips, and then slides it into her hole. Youll love the shots where you can see the toy barely sticking out of her snatch, with her delectable and tight asshole only millimeters away, perfect for a tongue o
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