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What a great way to wake up a guy on a Monday! Although shes dressed and ready to go off to work while Pete Longhorn plays sleepyhead, Eva Notty takes aside the sheets to give his big dick a good nuzzling...and more! Watch this bosomy sensation give Pete a fine balls licking good morning as she moves from deepthroat to taking down the front of her little black dress so she can nurture his knob in the tightness of her cleavage as its pushed together in her lacy boulder-holder. But once hes fully awake, Pete gets Eva naked so that she can fully partake of his penis in maximum comfort as she slurps her saliva along the inches and then plows it back and forth between her huge all natural 34I breasts. The creamy facial cumshot at the end drips down her chin to her tits, but shes ready to lick it off. After all, she WAS just about to have breakfast, so instead of Cream of Wheat shell have Cream of Man!
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