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We introduce to you Coxy, a newcomer whose long legs and shapely feet are delightfully outfitted in pantyhose and pink high-heeled slippers with black marabou puffs. These shoes, also called "mules," are a major fetish for some guys, and certainly add a touch of movie star glamour to any female's feet. Coxy shows us her from many different angles in the shoes, such as dangling the slippers off her toes as she sits on the edge of the bed and looks down at us as if we're groveling on the floor, begging to kiss or lick those spiky heels!Eventually Coxy takes off her mules and runs one of the heels along her pantyhosed sole and up to her face for a sniff. Then she teases us with her feet in the white nylon hosiery, rolling her gams across the satin bedspread. She tugs off her black top and shows us her 38Bs while pressing one of her pins up to her torso to demonstrate her double-jointedness. She's able to nibble at her own toes, which she thrusts in our face in huge closeups caug
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