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Laura M. returns for her 36th appearance! This time the voluptuous Hungarian hottie poses in a mans style pink shirt on the edge of a bathtub, her 40F cleavage glimpsed within. Leaning over, she gives us a view of her pendulous paps just as her nipples slide out, already stiff and suckable.Laura gets into the water, wets herself with the spray attachment, rubbing her boobs through the shirt and then squirting lotion in her valley. She hefts her soapy hooters in her hands as they glitter with bubbles and water, then she leans against the transparent side of the tub and gives us a unique underwater view of her enormous glands as they press like balloons against the blue glass. They look as if theyre floating in some faraway galaxy like Twin Tittie Planets!Laura settles back in the tub, her jugs floating on the water as she pulls aside her panties (she never took them off!) and plays with her pussy. The cameras of Denys DeFrancesco and his crews come in tight for enormous closeups of he
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