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Tracy Lindsay, also known as Tracy Delicious, returns for her third scene on our site and its a damn good way to kick off a new month! This Czech hottie has a stunning pair of stems, and they are showcased superbly by her yellow minidress and blue peep toe heels. Standing outdoors on some steps, she squats down, lifts her frock, and shows and spreads her shaved pussy, then reveals her 34B boobies and a sweet, firm rump. Ooh, wouldnt that tush be nice to lick...kiss...spank...or fuck!! Tracy squats and we get some great angles on her thighs as our DDF cameraman places his lens at just the proper angles to accentuate their girlish strength and sensual contours. Tracy bends over in the doggie style position on the steps and looks at us, running her fingers over her lips...oh boy, its major erection time!! We get a lot more great ass poses on Tracys way to becoming naked, opening her snatch even more, and then topping it all off with some final terrific leg and butt poses that have her
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