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Its so inspiring to see how young women respect themselves and take care of their bodies with healthful exercises. Its even more inspiring when they wear skimpy shorts and thigh high socks to emphasize the allure of their legs for any onlookers to their workout regimens! ;) In our featured spotlight, Cherry Kiss from Serbia (in the pink socks) and Ivana Sugar from Ukraine (in the blue) stretch out on their yoga mats, stick their butts in the air, and rub their tasty feet and thighs together, entwining them provocatively as they sit on medicine balls or pose prettily in front of us. Watch them stick their sock-covered soles in the air and imagine sniffing or licking them! Ivanas size 6 soles and Cherrys size 7.5 beauties are waiting for your tongues and cocks! When they pull off their socks, they rub their pussies with their bare soles and polished toenails. Getting naked, they grind their crotches together and wiggle their tootsies at us, almost inviting us to crawl across the poli
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