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We wonder if Hippocrates, the ancient Greek codifier of medical morality, might have altered his oath of ethics for physicians had he ever encountered a sultry patient like Jasmine Black, who presents the ultimate D-D-distracting challenge for Dr. Mugur and his nurse Sandra Boobies today! When the Romanian hottie and her 34DDs come into view in their cleavage vista in a tight leopard frock, all rules of patient-healer interaction get thrown out the window as the ladies soon glom on each others knockers and Mugur licks their pussies and gets his prick sucked in this incredible presentation of big natural boobs in action! SEE: Jasmine wrap her wonders around Mugurs meat! SEE: Sandra suck Jasmines jugs while Mugur bangs the Boobie box from behind! SEE: Jasmine slurp Sandras 36DDD/E Polish paps while Jasmine rides Mugurs rod with her asshole! SEE: Sandras flowery pussy swallowing Mugurs shaft almost down to the balls as she rides it like a cowgirl and kisses Jasmine at the same time
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