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Sensual Jane from Romania is one of the most popular models on the DDF Network, and no wonder! The face of this busty pornstar just radiates sultry experienced sensuality, and that body...well, that body is nothing short of amazing! Check out this set to see a prime example of what we mean as Jane peels out of a tight minidress that hugs her 36DD-25-36 curves most flatteringly, then displays herself in a light blue lace boulder holder and matching panties. She takes off her shoes too so we even get nice views of her pretty size 7.5 feet. But those knockers are the thing, of course, and Jane treats us to fabulous vistas of her knobs, squeezing and hefting them, pressing her fists into the firm but yielding flesh, licking her nipples while rubbing her pie, and then for the main event taking a shower in front of us. She leans over to give us terrific shots of her bountiful bells gleaming with water, and then she soaps up and presses her jugs against the glass door of the shower stall too.
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