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In her casting video, new face Susy Gala tempts us with her Spanish good looks sexily attired in a light top, blue jean booty shorts, and gladiator sandals. Her brunette long hair tumbles down to her back, and as she stands she shows off a curvy ass and lush thighs, one of which is adorned with a tattoo that makes it look, from a distance, as if she is wearing a single stocking.The gladiator sandals come off and then Susy peels the rest of her togs, lifting up her top to show a nice rack in a blue bra and that spectacular bottom in a matching g-string panty. In fact as the panty elastic rests at her cheeks, we really get a sense of the meaty marvels that are those moons!Once freed of her lingerie, Susy relaxes on the livingroom couch and spreads her pink gape with her hot-pink-polished fingertips, and as she turns around we get a glimpse of her other tattoos as well. Finally she kneels on the couch in doggy style, a most inviting pose with a posterior as perfect as hers! Enjoy Susy i
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