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Lucy from Russia and Athina from Hungary cant get enough of Choky Ices tool. The legendary stud is only ready to supply it once they show up at his penthouse, and Lucy doesnt even stop to remove her lovely hat before taking that massive meat into her ready throat. His inches are a boon to Lucys ace cock sucking skills, and Athina lets her blond friend go to down on that shaft while she sits her clam onto Chokys tongue. But Athina wants to get into the oral fun as much as possible herself, and how fetching both ladies look from above as they squat before the gristle, giving it the sucking and balls licking it needs! Well, Lucy eventually does take off her chapeau, all the better so she can freely move her noggin as she vacuums Chokys sac and then looks upward for the arrival of his spunk! And--no surprise--all of the girls OTHER clothes seem to fall away before the gooey arrival of the spurt, as the girls ready themselves for a cum swap in these sexy blowjob pics!
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