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Candy Sweet is just having a lazy day in bed, stretched out bare underneath the covers. She crawls out from the sheets, of course, so that she can lay on her tummy and plump up her round bottom and let us peek at her lovely rosebud. The Hungarian doll lifts up her pelvis as she lays on her back, and our lenses come in tight for some crotch shots that will make you feel you can almost sniff Candys aromas of arousal. She moves around on the bed, parting her petals, tugging open her cheeks, giving us a tour of her tasty terrain. Maybe some of the best shots are when shes kneeling and sticking her rear toward us, opening her flowery clam. Or you might just prefer the shots where shes simply standing in the altogether by the flowing window curtains, with the soft light casting a sweet glow on her whole body.
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