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When Officer West got a report about some idiot doing doughnuts in a parking lot, my cock starting getting hard. Dumb, criminal activity, in the middle of the day - oh you better believe some black son of a bitch was doing it. Sure enough, we pull up and a delicious piece of chocolate is behind the wheel driving recklessly. Enjoy your face time with the concrete coco puff. This criminal, in particular, had quite the mouth on him. “Fuck the cops”, “cracka ass”, oh it was salty chocolate at first. Now, these types of criminals always talk a big game. They hard, they gangsta. Well those gangsta dicks get nice and hard when given the opportunity to take the easy way out by letting some white chocolate have a little fun with them. All that aggressive oogie boogie talk goes silent when that big black dick is deep in cracka cop ass. I hope our little darkie friend learned his lesson, but something tells me we’re going to have another meeting with this black snowflake who does whatever he want
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