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Taylor Reign welcomes Aiden Ward & Oliver Saxon to Cocky Boys and into bed for a mid-afternoon slumber party! After sharing examples of their super-human libidos, these sexual dynamos are ready to go and with virtually no foreplay they get right into a circular oral chain! Taylor & Aiden soon drift over into focusing attention on Oliver with Aiden rimming his bubble butt while Taylor stuffs his mouth with cock. Cocky Boys seniority rules as they shift positions. On his back Taylor gets sucked by Oliver whose ass is rimmed and teased by Aiden who in turn can bend forward and make out with Taylor as well as get a taste of his cock. It's Aiden though who gets the first shot at fucking Oliver who kisses Taylor. Taylor asks the sandwiched and less Oliver if he likes being their "little fuck hole" and makes him prove it. He starts fucking Oliver while Aiden skull fucks him. After that Taylor takes control again with BOTH guys as he stars a standing fuck chain with Aiden in the middle
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