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Bravo Delta and Dillon Rossi met each other for the first time when they both traveled to New York to attend the Black Party Expo. Neither had ever been to an event like it before, so they were all starry eyed the morning after. Bravo competed in an intense lube wrestling match with fellow CockyBoy Ricky Roman and had the bruises and scars to prove it. On the other hand, Dillon said the craziest thing he saw was someone getting publicly fisted on stage. Both these guys are very modest when it comes to industry events, so they made some great conversation between each other after the weekend had cooled down. While perhaps a little bit shy at the Black Party Expo, both Dillon and Bravo were completely uninhibited when they took their clothes off and began making out. You can tell they feel very comfortable around each other. Bravo loved sucking Dillon's huge cock, but what he really wanted to do was top him. So we just let our cameras roll and see what happened as they made their w
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