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Dominic Santos and Preston Cole probably have the biggest dicks on our site right now. But Preston is a total bottom, so as much as Dominic began to salivate over Preston and his man meat, Dominic was not going to feel it inside of him. But as soon as Preston turned around, Dominic took a look at that sweet smooth bubble butt and he was fine being the top this time around. Preston was definitely nervous since this was his first time having full on gay sex in front of a camera. But Dominic knows how to make a guy feel at ease. And as they began to kiss, these two hot gay men began to rip their clothes off of each other. The big dicks sprang to life and Preston got on his knees and began to service Dominic. Preston had trouble getting all of those inches down his throat. But once he started to eat his ass, Dominic began to suck his own dick and show him how it is done. Dominic then returned the blow job and rimming favors and warmed up his ass for a ing. Preston yelled out as that huge d
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