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Max decides to spend the evening at home after a long and tiring day. He returns to his apartment, lights candles, and relaxes on the couch, immersing himself in a book. Suddenly, he hears a noise coming from the adjacent room.<br><br>His heart skips a beat, and he cautiously approaches the door of the room where the sounds are coming from. He opens the door and finds an unfamiliar girl standing in the middle of the room. Her beautiful wings, covered in feathers, shimmer in the dim candlelight. Max can't believe his eyes and thinks he's seeing an angel.<br><br>He slowly and carefully approaches her, experiencing mixed feelings of surprise, fear, and admiration. Tenderness fills his voice as he asks, "Excuse me, who are you? What are you doing here?"<br><br>The angelic girl, named Ava, smiles and speaks with a gentle and refined voice, "I am sent to bring love and happiness into your life. I am Ava, an angel who has been sent to find and help those in need."<br><br>Max feels a blend of
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