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Harmoni and Justice! Justice cream pies my pussy! I was traveling to Dallas for my first “Fuckation” since I had returned to shooting content. Justice was also coming into town for his own Fuckation with his beautiful wife Sammie. When we knew we were going to be in the same town, we immediately made arrangements. By the time they arrived, I was dressed the slutty outfit he wanted to see! Justice likes red, and I happen to look good in red. I had just the outfit for him and he was perfect for me! He loved my choice of outfits and and he pounded my pussy, giving it a massive cream pie! What a gentleman, and a super-hot partner!<br>I have to admit there is something super exciting when filming with someone’s partner and they are in the room. Knowing that you are turning them on in front of their co-star is so hot, and when they film it, it sends this little slut over the edge.
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