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The dominatrix Miss Yara, dressed in a red shiny full body suit, ties up her slave Cosmo on the bed. He has stretched all fours from him and the chains pull his limbs trunk outward.<br><br>At the mercy of the chains, he has no possibility to exert any influence. Miss Yara takes out a spike ring, which will remain Cosmo's companion in the course of the rather one-sided pleasure.<br>Already the attachment is connected with pain. As soon as the cock presses against the spikes, Cosmo suffers. However, the situation gets worse when the mistress starts to get the slave additionally horny. She places her latex-clad ass right over his face, which inevitably leads to a stronger arousal and thus more pain.<br><br>Undeterred by the slave's predicament, the dominatrix continues to pursue her personal goal. She starts to stimulate and lick him on the glans. When the cock is hard enough, to top it all off, she rubs herself against it. She pushes the hard and aching cock into the tight vagina. The sl
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