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Manlyfoot Studios presents a steamy new episode of the Step Gay Dad series, titled Surfs Up - Clothing Optional. This installment promises to captivate fans with its beachside allure and enticing foot fetish content.<br><br>In this episode, the step dad reluctantly spends the day at the beach after being nagged by his wife. Initially grumpy, his mood shifts when he starts attracting the attention of some hot studs on the beach. Among them, a ripped surfer catches his eye, igniting a spark of excitement.<br><br>Seizing the moment, the step dad heads to the water, hoping to get closer to the handsome stranger. As the day unfolds, he finds an opportunity to sneak away from the water, determined to try his luck with the surfer. To his surprise and delight, the surfer follows him back to the tent.<br><br>What follows is a passionate and lustful encounter, where the step dad uses his feet to dominate the surfer, making him submit in an intense and sensual foot fetish scene. This episode expl
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