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Hey Guys! The insatiable Amirah Adara has one last treat for you before the New Year! And who better to spend it with than her BFF Tiffany Tatum.<br>Amirah and Tiffany are dressed in sexy lingerie and excited to share one last fuck, as they kiss goodbye 2024! The naughty girlfriends have so much fun together, laughing, lighting sparklers and eating cake before fucking each other's brains out with a strap-on! First, hot Amirah stuffs that fake cock down skinny Tiffany's throat and then proceeds to deep drill her horny pussy! Not to be outdone, blonde BFF Tiffany wears the strap-on and reciprocates the pussy pounding favor to her bestie. The raunchy babes don't stop until they are both dripping wet from sweat and orgasmic juices! So, in the words of a delighted Amirah Adara: "Happy Fucking New Year, right?".<br>Watch this sizzling girl on girl strap-on scene and more exclusive content from Amirah Adara and friends, by joining her channel today!
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