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As I set out to clean the room, I was wearing only a simple sweater and a pair of underwear. The truth is that the large diaper I had put under them made me feel a little strange, but surprisingly comfortable. I loved showing it like that under this pair of tight panties. To let you glimpse it while it swells with hot sensual pee.<br>It was a rainy day and the soft light filtered through the window, creating a muffled atmosphere. As I grabbed the broom, I reflected on how certain small choices could make the daily routine more bearable. Cleaning has never been my favorite pastime, but I took advantage of that moment to relax and disconnect from the stressful thoughts of everyday life.<br>I started to sweep away some dry leaves that had come in through the open window and, as I did so, the movement made me feel free. Each sweep of the broom was also a way to free myself from my anxiety, and the diaper, although strange, gave me a feeling of security and simplicity.<br>There was a certai
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